SMHA Social Media Policy
Sackville Minor Hockey Association (SMH) recognizes and appreciates the value of social media and the importance of social networking to all of its stakeholders. SMH also respects the right of all teams and Association personnel to express their views publicly but we all must be constantly aware of the dangers and risks associated with the use of social media and online networking. With these dangers and risks in mind we have implemented the following Social Media and Networking Policy. The purpose of this policy is to increase awareness for the members of SMH on the risks of social media and to ensure all teams and Association personnel are aware that conduct deemed to be inappropriate may be subject to disciplinary action by the team and/or SMH.
What kinds of communications?
This policy will encompass public communications by any member of SMH through any Internet mediums and/or websites that allow users to communicate online. Such mediums and/ or websites include but are not limited to the following: Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Foursquare, etc.
Who does this policy cover?
The policy will be applicable to all members of SMH. Members of SMH will be defined to include
• all Directors/Executive members
• team staff/volunteers
• registered members (players) and their family and supporters
• all officials (on-ice and off-ice)
• any person conducting business on behalf of SMH. Policy
• Members of SMH shall use social media and online networking in a respectful and appropriate manner at all times.
• Members of SMH shall be aware of possible perceptions of their communication through social media and online networking so that the messages communicated will be perceived as respectful and appropriate.
• Members of SMH shall refrain from any communication through social media and online networking which is, or could be perceived as, racist, homophobic, sexist, intimidating, bullying or otherwise offensive to any other member of SMH or our community in general.
Procedures & Guidelines
It should be recognized that comments posted to social media sites and online networking sites are on the record and are instantly published and available to the public and media. It may be difficult to retract such comments. Everyone, including Association and/or team personnel, players, corporate partners and the media, can review social media communications. All members of SMH should conduct themselves in an appropriate and professional manner at all times. 1 Members of SMH shall be aware of this policy through communication tools available to the Executive, including email and posting on the official SMH website. 2 SMH holds all members who participate in social media and networking to the same standards as it does for all other forms of media including radio, television and print. 3 Comments or remarks of an inappropriate nature which are detrimental to a team, the Association or an individual will not be tolerated and will be subject to disciplinary action. Inappropriate and/or detrimental comments include, but are not limited to, the following examples: a. Any comment or communication that is a form of bullying, harassment or threatening against any player, official, or any other individual b. Any comment or communication that could be perceived as racist, homophobic, sexist or offensive c. Any comment or communication that is intended to cause alarm to another individual(s) or that misrepresents fact or truth d. Photographs, video, comments or any other form of communication that may promote negative influences and/or criminal behavior e. Comments that are publicly critical to any Association, official (on-ice or off-ice), team or individual f. Negative or derogatory comments about any member of a team, SMH, league staff, stakeholder, players, opponents, or any other member of the community g. Comments or communication that contradicts any current policy of SMH 4 SMH members should be aware that they represent our Association, whether they are a player, volunteer, Executive or supporter. SMH encourages all individuals to act responsibly and with respect at all times.
Communication that contradicts this policy should be addressed in accordance to all process and/or practices already in place for such issues, starting at the team level and as defined by SMH behavioral and disciplinary policies. SMH’s 1st Vice President along with its disciplinary committee will investigate any concern brought forward, as applicable and/or as required. Individual(s) and/or teams in violation of this policy will be held accountable, in accordance with any applicable behavioral and/or disciplinary policy in place with SMH. Methods of accountability for violators (can included but are not limited to players and/ or parents) include, but are not limited to, the following:
Player Accountability
1 Verbal Warning 2 Written warning and possible game suspension given by coach (up to 1 game) 3 Letter of warning from Disciplinary Committee 4 Require player to participate in a mediation process 5 Suspend player for 30 days 6 Restrict player privileges to attend games, practice or team activities 7 If the player fails to comply, we can request HNS review the players member status.
Parent or Guardian Accountability
1 Verbal warning from team 2 Written warning and possibility of suspension (up to 3 games) 3 Letter of warning from Disciplinary Committee 4 Require member to participate in a mediation process 5 Suspend member for 30 days 6 Restrict member privileges to attend games, practice or team activities 7 If the member fails to comply, we can request HNS review the member status All members of SMH are bound to this policy, procedures and guidelines and accountability processes, as demonstrated by their active membership and/or volunteering role with Sackville Minor Hockey Association.