League News


Message from the President

It's hard to believe that the 2022-2023 Playoffs are just around the corner!  Before we head into playoffs, I wanted to provide a little summary of the year so far, as well as give an update on a few items.



One of the biggest requests from our members heading into this season was to have a fair and transparent tryout process.  During the summer, Aaron Hiscock, VP Competitive, worked with a group of our Board Members to create a new, robust tryout policy document, which was provided to our membership before the tryout process began.  The purpose of this document was to provide our members with an understanding of how tryouts would work this season, discussing items such as our new evaluation software, objectives of evaluation, roles and responsibilities of selection committee, and player selection process.   

This season was the first season since I've been involved with SMHA that there were two rounds of competitive tryouts: early tryouts for the U13AAA and U15AA leagues starting mid-Sept and regular tryouts commencing the beginning of October.  Between the early tryouts, regular competitive tryouts, recreation evaluations, U9 evaluations and IP evaluations, many hours were spent by our volunteers in the rink and behind the scenes.  I would like to thank all of the volunteers for their contribution to making this year's tryouts run as smoothly as possible.

As with any new process and/or systems, there are always learning curves and ways to improve the process.  We received a lot of valuable feedback after the tryout process, and we will be working on taking this feedback and working it into the tryout policy for next year.  If you have any constructive feedback on how to improve the process for either competitive, recreation, U9 or IP, please send your comments to President@FlyersHockey.ca.


SMHA Tournaments

SMHA brought back tournaments this year in a big way, by planning four tournaments for this season.  We saw our first tournament back in the Sackville rinks at the end of October with the Flyers Fall Face-Off (U11B, U13A and U13B), followed by the Holiday Jamboree in December for the U9 Division.  The feedback I heard from these tournaments was very positive, and people are glad to be back in Sackville for tournaments.  A big thanks to Blair Cole, SMHA's Director of Tournaments, Rod Sturge, SMHA VP, and their team for all of the hard work planning these tournaments!  

There are still two more tournaments being held in Sackville this season.  

  • The Memorial Tournament - February 17-20 (U15B, U15A, U15AA, U18A, and U18AA)
  • The Flyers March Meltdown - March 10-13 (U11C, U13C, U15C and U18C)

Please check out the schedules, wear your flyers gear, and come down to support our fellow Flyers teams in these tournaments!



Our Director of Admin, Jennifer Forster, has started a comprehensive review and update of the Bylaws.  The first draft was provided to the Executive at the end of December.  After great discussion, there are a few tweaks to make, and we are hoping to get the final document out to membership in the coming weeks.  A date will be set for a special meeting to discuss and vote on the bylaws once the final copy is complete.  Stay tuned....


Update on Season 

At the start of January, the combined MMHL and CMHL records for each level of SMHA were as follows:

           Wins      Losses    Ties

U11 -    44            40           5

U13 -    76            34          20

U15 -    56            24          11

U18 -    32            35           9


We have a lot of teams who will be battling for a chance to bring home Metro or Provincial titles.  Thank you to all coaches, managers, and team staff for all you have done this season so far.  Without you as volunteers, we would not be where we are today!


HNS Green Armband Initiative and New Officials

You may have seen new armbands on some of our officials over the past few months. These new green armbands are to be worn by all officials under the age of 18, and any first-year official regardless of age.  The objective of this program is to reduce harassment and abuse of younger on-ice officials by clearly identifying them as minors to coaches, parents, players and league officials.  The program will also work to educate coaches, parents, players, and league officials about the challenges officials face with respect to harassment and abuse while officiating minor hockey games.  Did you know that over 40% of all HNS officials are under the age of 18 and work a large portion of all the minor hockey games in the Association?  1 out of every 3 officials quit after their first year.  Over half quit after 2 years, and 65% are no longer officials after 3 years.  The main reason most have decided to quit is from the harassment and abuse they endured. 

SMHA is in full support of this new HNS initiative.

Fun Fact - in SMHA we have 20 junior officials (under 14) and a strong group of officials, who are also SMHA players.  If you are interested, or know someone interested, in learning more about becoming an official, please reach out to Todd Thomander, our Referee-in-Chief, at RIC@flyershockey.ca


The SMHA Leadership Team

The following is a refresher of our Executive, Board and other Team Members of SMHA.  Their contact information can be found here:

  • Nathalie Amirault - President
  • Rod Sturge - Vice President
  • Tara McFeters - Interim Treasurer/Director of Finance
  • Melissa Berkvens - Secretary
  • John Hubley - VP Development
  • Aaron Hiscock - VP Competitive
  • Todd House - VP Recreation
  • Craig Foley - VP U9 and Risk Management
  • Rob Nurnber - VP L2P & U7
  • Jennifer Forster - Director, Administration
  • Todd Thomander - Referee-in-Chief
  • Alex Leblanc - Director, Equipment
  • Jon Cyr - Director, Communications
  • Ben Harvie - Director, CMHL
  • Chris Erwood - Director, MMHL
  • Helen Scammell - Registrar and Webmaster
  • Blair Cole - Director, Tournaments
  • Ryan Sabean - Safety Coordinator
  • Leah Blackwood - 50/50 Coordinator
  • Trisha Munroe - Division Coordinator U9
  • Morgan Spicer - Division Coordinator U11
  • Natalie Lafleche - Division Coordinator U13
  • Nicole Shortall - Division Coordinator U15 Recreation
  • Dennis Amirault - Division Coordinator U15 Competitive
  • Mike Kennedy - Division Coordinator U18

I would personally like to thank each and everyone of these individuals for their countless hours with SMHA and making the association run as smoothly as possible.  Without each of you, our association wouldn't be what it is today, and for that I am grateful!  



  • While we didn't broadcast it, most of you are aware that our VP, Rod Sturge, was suspended 5 games at the beginning of the season.  After appealing to Hockey Canada, the suspension was reversed, and he asked that we advise the membership of the results of this appeal.  
  • A reminder that in order to get content for our Facebook page, we need parents, managers, etc. at all levels to tag @SMHFlyers in their posts to allow us the ability to share things to our news feeds. If no tag is present, we can only "like or react" to posts and not share them.
  • Lastly, our team will soon begin working on the details for End of Year celebrations and AGM.  Stay tuned for more details on both events.  If you are interested in playing a larger role with the End of Year celebrations, please reach out to Melissa Berkvens, secretary@flyershockey.ca


If anyone has any comments, questions or ideas please reach out to me at president@flyershockey.ca 



Nathalie Amirault


Sackville Minor Hockey Association


Jan 25, 2023

Coaching & Volunteer Certifications Deadline is TODAY & RIS: Activity Leader Code

  1. Coaching & Volunteer Certifications Deadline
  2. Respect in Sport: Activity Leader Codes

Coaching & Volunteer Certifications Deadline

The Coaching & Volunteer Certifications deadline is today - December 1st, 2022.

As per Craig Foley (RiskManagement@FlyersHockey.ca):

  • Coaches and Volunteers with completed Certifications reflected in HCR can continue to participate.
  • Coaches and Volunteers without completed Certifications reflected in HCR, can no longer participate until their certifications are complete.
  • Hockey Nova Scotia will be reviewing each team's roster in the coming day or two, and marking any Coach and Volunteer profile as "ineligible" if that profile is missing Certifications or documentation.

(Note to Managers: Let's do a drop-in virtual Google Meet tonight for roster check ups for those that want help. Link will be sent around by email & posted in the Managers Facebook group. It has been a challenge to keep up with the email requests and I know I've missed people. If you can't pop in virtually tonight, reply to a prior email you sent so it'll bump up to the top of my inbox. We'll be through this roster phase very soon! - Helen)


Respect in Sport - Activity Leader Codes

We recently posted about a last-minute surge in signups for the "Respect in Sport - Activity Leader" course. The existing code has been loaded up with new licenses so people waiting for this course can now proceed as normal.

Thank you

Dec 1, 2022

Coaching & Volunteer Certifications: "Respect in Sport - Activity Leader" Prepaid Code

Good morning,

The Coaching & Volunteer Certifications deadline is Dec 1, so we are down to the wire.

With a last-minute surge in signups for the "Respect in Sport - Activity Leader" course, our prepaid licenses have all been used. We are in the process of securing more yesterday and today, so if you need that specific course as a new Coach or new Volunteer, please check back later this evening for an updated code. We will post on Social Media when the new code is available as well.

We did make an effort to try and lay out the Certification Requirements clearly on our website this season. Please review the entire Coaching & Volunteer Certifications page, as we only have 2 days left. 


Thank you

Nov 29, 2022

Flyers Memorial Hockey Tournament - Registration Open!

Sackville Minor Hockey is proud to announce the first annual "Flyers Memorial Hockey Tournament"

Nov 24, 2022

15 Days until Coach & Volunteer Certification Deadline

A message from Craig Foley, Sackville Minor Hockey Risk Management


There are exactly 15 days left until the December 1st Coach & Volunteer Certifications deadline.

Head Coaches & Managers are responsible to ensure that any person who steps on the ice for games or practices is listed on their team's Official Hockey Canada Roster.
Any adult who steps on the ice must be listed and approved as either a Head Coach or an Assistant Coach with any team they are helping. No exceptions.
This important rule is in place to protect Head Coaches and/or Managers from any personal liability associated with having an uncertified/unapproved person on the ice.

Attention - U11, U13, U15, and U18 Competitive Team Coaches

The NCCP Development 1 coaching course is required for all Competitive U11, U13, U15, and U18 teams. It is only offered in person and spans one evening and one full day. If this is your first time coaching U11 + Competitive, you must be at least registered in a Developement 1 Clinic before the Dec 1st deadline.
As of today, there are still a few spots in a Dartmouth session on Nov 25th/26th, with other sessions offered throughout December. Spaces are limited and will fill up quickly as the Dec 1 deadline approaches. Please sign up ASAP if you require this course.

What about On Ice Helpers?

You cannot call an adult an On-Ice Helper on your Official Hockey Canada Team Roster. The designation of On-Ice Helper exists for registered players in Hockey Nova Scotia who help with younger teams under the guidance of a trained coach. 

For More Information

For all things related to Coaching & Volunteer Certifications, please check out this page of our website.
Before emailing either Craig Foley (RiskManagement@FlyersHockey.ca) or Helen Scammell (Registration@FlyersHockey.ca) asking for us to check your certifications, see if you can log into HCR, link your HCR# to your HCR Profile, and cross reference your certifications against this list.
Nov 16, 2022

Coaches Meeting- Thursday Night

Coaches Meeting- Thursday, November 10th   7:30 PM

Aaron Hiscock, VP Competitive, will be hosting a coaches meeting this coming Thursday night from 7:30-9:00 pm in the Mezz at the Arena.

We would really like to have as many coaches there as possible (all welcome) but we strongly encourage all head coaches to attend.  Please ensure there is at least one representative there from each team.

We are aiming to cover the following topics:

Coach Requirements/Deadlines
Rink Behavior/Expectations
Two Deep Rule
Affiliate Players
Green Armband Initiative / New Rules or Rule Changes
Div Coordinator Roles
Development Program
Coach Mentorship and Support
Team Genius Reporting / Mid Season and or End of Season Evaluation (Team Level)

Aaron would like for coaches to put some thought in ahead of time to any questions around rules and penalties you may have.  Hopefully we can help to resolve some issues and concerns by helping to clarify some of the rules and regulations.

Nov 7, 2022