Updated October 6, 2021 - 9:30pm
Recreation Evaluations
Recreation evaluations will take place from Friday, October 8th Saturday, October 9th to Sunday, October 10th.
**** Edited: 9:30pm on Oct 6, 2021. Schedule was modified. Changes are boxed in RED ***
- U13: Friday, Oct 8 is cancelled. U13 now has TWO ice times on Saturday, Oct 9. All U13 groups have ONE HOUR turnaround from Session 1 at Sackville Arena to Session 2 at Sackville Sports Stadium
- U18: Friday, Oct 8 is cancelled. U18 now has TWO ice times on Saturday, Oct 9.
![October 2021 Rec Eval Schedule - V2](/uploads/sackvillemha/source/0/Tryouts/October%202021%20Rec%20Eval%20Schedule%20-%20V2.png)
Mobile Users: Click Here to View/Download Updated Schedule
U11 Families: Please note that U11 Group 1 and U11 Group 3 trade off for the 7:00am ice time between Saturday & Sunday.
Proof of Vaccination
All players over 12 years of age must show Proof of Vaccination to enter the Sackville Arena.
As per our SMHA News Item posted on October 4th, Proof of Vaccination can either be done in person, or sent via email to POV@FlyersHockey.ca.
Please have your 2009 and older players entering the Arena prepared to show their Proof of Vaccination. If you've emailed it in advance, then please allow the Volunteer a moment to check the POV list to make sure.
Once players are on their teams and the season is underway, the Safety Reps will get to know everyone and showing POV or checking a list won't be required, as there will be an "established" relationship between the players and SMHA.
Please see the News Release here
The groups for Recreation Evaluations will be posted as soon as possible. Recreation Groups stay the SAME for the entire weekend.
The groups may not be posted until sometime on Friday Oct 8th once the Competitive Teams are finalized and posted.
The Recreation Coaching Interview & Selection process will take place Tuesday, October 12th through Thursday, October 14th.
Projected rosters and coaches will be announced and posted on Friday, October 15th.
The weekend of Saturday, October 16th - Sunday, October 17th there will be in-house exhibition games to ensure the balancing of recreation teams.
Changes to rosters can and will be made after the in-house exhibition games to ensure proper balance of our recreation teams.
In line with other Hockey Associations and with the SMHA Competitive Tryoupts, SMHA is implementing a no-spectator policy for U11 and older Recreation Evaluations for Public Health reasons.
Parents & Guardians: Please sign up for the SMHA General News Email Subscription
This information is also posted HERE under the Tryouts & Evaluations Menu | www.FlyersHockey.ca
Todd House
SMHA VP Recreation