League News


New Interim Executive Members, and Seeking Expression of Interest for Director Positions

We would like to congratulate and welcome both Ryan Brewer (Interim VP U9, VPU9@FlyersHockey.ca) and Matt Brown (Interim VP U7, VPU7@FlyersHockey.ca) to our Executive team.  Thanks to all those who had reached out and expressed their willingness and desire to volunteer for these positions.

We would also like to thank Craig Foley (outgoing VP U9) and Rob Nurnber (outgoing VP U7) for all of their hard work and contributions and look forward to working with them in their new Executive positions.


With our 2023-2024 SMHA Executive now in place, we are putting a call out for interest in our SMHA Board of Director positions. The Board oversees the day-to-day operations of the Association. It consists of the Executive plus the named Director positions listed below. The Director positions are one-year appointments, and are made or renewed every season. Selections are based on interviews and a vote among the SMHA Executive. It is in the spirit of the 2022 By-Laws to post all Director positions, and welcome expressions of interest from both new and returning Board of Director candidates.  

Directors must be in good standing with SMHA, and must have one year of volunteer experience with either SMHA or another Minor Hockey association. Please see our updated bylaws (Article VII- 42 M-V ) for descriptions of each position.

Please email Melissa Berkvens at secretary@flyershockey.ca to express your interest in any of the positions listed below. Please include a short message confirming that you meet the requirements, and why you think you would be suitable for the role.

Submission Deadline: 11:50pm, Monday, July 17th, 2023

  • Director of Policy (New Position for 2023-2024 Season)
  • Director of Finance (Preferably has a professional accounting certification)
  • Director of Registration
  • Director of Equipment
  • Director of Communication
  • Referee-in-Chief 
  • Central Minor Hockey League (CMHL) Delegate
  • Metro Minor Hockey League (MMHL) Delegate
  • Director of Tournaments
  • Safety Coordinator

In addition, we are seeking Expressions of Interest for 2023-2024 Division Coordinators and a Website Administrator.

The Division Coordinators support communications between the Executive, Coaching/Bench staff, and SMHA Players/Families. The Division Coordinators report to their respective Vice President (VP Competitive, VP Recreation,  VP U9, or VP U7) and assist in all operational functions related to their division, fostering a positive hockey experience for all SMHA players and families.

The Website Administrator will be a support role, and should be someone with some experience or comfort navigating website platforms and spreadsheets, and be someone with some free time especially early in the season when teams are populated into our GrayJay website platform.

As with the Board of Director positions, please email Melissa Berkvens at secretary@flyershockey.ca to express your interest. Please include a short message confirming that you meet the requirements, and why you think you would be suitable for the role.

Submission Deadline: 11:50pm, Monday, July 17th, 2023

  • U5/U7 Division Coordinator
  • U9 Division Coordinator
  • U11 Recreation Division Coordinator
  • U11 Competitive Division Coordinator
  • U13 Recreation Division Coordinator
  • U13 Competitive Division Coordinator
  • U15 Recreation Division Coordinator
  • U15 Competitive Division Coordinator
  • U18 Recreation Division Coordinator
  • U18 Competitive Division Coordinator
  • Website Administrator
Jul 13, 2023

New Interim Executive Members, Seeking Expression of Interest for VP U9, & Letter from SMHA President

This News Article will cover the following items:

  1. Congratulations: Cory Richardson, Interim VP Competitive 
  2. Congratulations: Craig Foley, Interim VP Risk Management
  3. Seeking Expressions of Interest for Interim VP U9
  4. Letter from SMHA President, Rob Nurnber

Congratulations: Cory Richardson, Interim VP Competitive 

Please join the SMHA Executive in welcoming Cory Richardson (VPCompetitive@FlyersHockey.ca) into the Interim VP Competitive role. The Executive completed six interviews this evening, and we also wish to thank all the candidates for their thoughtful submissions and for their interest in making SMHA the best it can be. 


Congratulations: Craig Foley, Interim VP Risk Management

The SMHA Executive are pleased to announce that Craig Foley (VPRiskManagement@FlyersHockey.ca) has been selected for the Interim VP Risk Management position. Craig has been in the Board Member role of Risk Management for several years. Now that the position has transitioned from a Board position to an Executive position, he put his name forward and is continuing in that capacity. 


Seeking Expression of Interest for Interim VP U9

Due to his appointment as the Interim VP Risk Management, Craig Foley has stepped down as the VP U9 for the remainder of his 2-year term. As such, the SMHA Board & Executive are seeking Expressions of Interest for the Interim (1-year) VP U9 Position for the upcoming 2023/24 season. Thank you Craig for your hard work and dedication to the U9 program.

As per Section 18 in the updated Bylaws, this is an INTERIM positions to be filled for one season, and will be up for election for a complete term at next year's AGM. In order to be considered a qualified candidate for these positions, you must have two years of volunteer experience within SMHA and have been a member in good standing the previous two hockey seasons.

DEADLINE: Please email your expression of interest to Melissa Berkvens (secretary@flyershockey.ca) by 11:50pm on Friday, July 7th. The Expression of Interest should note why you feel you're interested in and suitable for the Interim VP U9 position. 

VP U9 - The Vice President U9 is responsible for ensuring the U9 program meet the identified program objectives and effectively represent the interests of players, parents and instructors at the Executive level. They will provide ongoing support and guidance to the U9 Divisional Coordinator.


Letter from SMHA President, Rob Nurnber

Sackville Minor Hockey Members,

I would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself as your new President. My name is Rob Nurnber, and it is my pleasure to be your association President. I look forward to supporting our membership and board in continuing to move the association in the best possible direction.

I am the very proud father along with my wife Jana of 4 amazing children, Kayla 13, Zach 10, Josh 8, and Mason 7.  Kayla is a competitive gymnast and competed with Team Nova Scotia at Atlantics and Easterns this past year. Zach completed his 2nd season of U11 AA. Josh played U9 Advanced and is moving up to U11 and Mason is moving to U9. My family is my number one passion followed by this great game of hockey.

I started playing at 4 years old, let’s just say that was a long time ago and I still play when I can.  Growing up I played at the highest levels and met so many great people along the way. Hockey has provided me with so much in life, as there is much more to be gained from playing hockey than just the game itself.  Being involved can improve a player’s social skills, help them learn to overcome adversity and provide confidence. The environment also fosters respect, work ethic and leadership. These are all things that contribute to our youth's success as they transition into adulthood and their working lives. 

I have worked more than 30 yrs in financial services and currently hold the role of Director of Business Development for Eastern Ontario and the Atlantic Region for a national mortgage lender.  I hold several coaching certifications with Hockey Canada and try to attend as many hockey conferences as possible as the learning is never done.  I have been on the SMHA Executive for the last 6 yrs as VP of Initiation U7.  This coming fall will mark 15 years since I started as a volunteer with SMHA as a non-parent coach. This time has afforded me to work with and develop friendships with amazing individuals who all volunteer their time for the betterment of the association. I would like to thank all those past and present on the executive and board that have given so much and continue to do so. The association cannot function without great people such as yourselves.

As I transition into this new role your feedback and suggestions will be very important so please know my door is always open.

There are some initiatives I would like to introduce in the coming months that will help continue to move things in the right direction. I strongly believe a lot of positives have come over the past number of years and I look forward to working with the board to continue to always improve. 


Robert Nurnber
Sackville Minor Hockey Association 

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Jul 4, 2023

Head Coach Applications (U11, U13, U15, and U18)

SMHA is seeking Head Coach Applications for all Competitive and Recreation teams in U11, U13, U15, and U18 Divisions. 

A meeting for potential Head Coaches for U5, U7, and U9 wwill take place closer to the start of the season. 

The U11 and up Head Coach Application deadline is 11:59pm on Monday, July 31st, 2023. Applications must be submitted by this time in order to be considered for coaching positions this season.

Note: New this year - Hockey NS has advised that Coaches will be required to pay Registration Fees for Training & Clinics. SMHA Exec will be discussing this, and will come up with a plan. Some certifications do not expire while others - like Criminal Record Checks & the Hockey University: Safety course - must be done every three years. 
Please contact VP Operations, Rod Sturge (VicePresident@FlyersHockey.ca) with any questions or concerns.
Fill in the form below, or Click Here.

Jun 28, 2023

AGM Wrap-Up: Seeking Expression of Interest for Interim Executive Positions

This News Article will cover the following items:

  1. Thank You to Departing Executive Members
  2. Expression of Interest for Interim Executive Positions

Thank You
On behalf of the SMHA Board of Directors, we would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to our SMHA Executive Members who are stepping away from their positions. Thank you to our outgoing VP of Competitive - Aaron Hiscock, VP of Recreation- Todd House and President (now current Past President)- Nathalie Amirault for all of their efforts, contributions and dedication to SMHA during their time on the Board. We look forward to seeing you around the rink.

We would also again like to congratulate Rob Nurnber on becoming the new SMHA President and thank him for everything he has done as VP of U7 over the past several years. 

Expression of Interest
We are now putting out a call out for an Expression of Interest for three available Interim SMHA Executive roles. 

As per section 18 in the updated
Bylaws, these will be INTERIM positions to be filled for one season and will be up for election for a complete term at next year's AGM. In order to be considered a qualified candidate for these positions, you must have two years of volunteer experience within SMHA and have been a member in good standing the previous two hockey seasons.

Please email your expression of interest noting why you are interested & suitable for the position to Melissa Berkvens (secretary@flyershockey.ca) by11:50pm on Friday, June 30.  All qualified applicants will be contacted and interviewed next week.

  1. VP Competitive- The Vice President Competitive is responsible for the overall management of the Competitive program, including but not limited to, coordinating the coaching selection and player evaluation processes. They shall effectively represent the interests of players, parents, coaches on the executive and may represent SMHA on the CMHL.

  2. VP U7 (Initiation)- The Vice President LTP/U7 is responsible for ensuring the Initiation programs meet the identified program objectives and effectively represent the interests of players, parents and instructors at the Executive level. They will provide ongoing support and guidance to the LTP/U7 Divisional Coordinator

  3. VP Risk Management- must have legal/policing background (or equivalent) as per bylaws. The Vice President of Risk Management coordinates, oversees and assists coaches and volunteers with required certifications, as well as the use of HCR and other on-line requirements. They receive and process complaints from or related to SMHA teams, coaches, volunteers or members, initiate disciplinary committees and processes where necessary, liaise with Hockey Nova Scotia as required and prepare and distribute notices of suspension as necessary. The Vice President of Risk Management works closely with the Safety Coordinator to address safety concerns of any nature within the association as requested.

Additionally, we will be putting a call for an expression of interest out for all Board Positions (one year terms) after the Executive team for the 2023-2024 season is finalized.

Please email your expression of interest in any of these positions explaining why you are interested and feel you are suitable for the position, as well as confirming you are qualified for the role as per section 18 of our  Bylaws to Melissa Berkvens at secretary@flyershockey.ca no later than Friday, June 30 at midnight. All qualified applicants will be contacted and interviewed next week.


Jun 27, 2023

Congratulations to Dan & Jenn

Thank you to all members who participated in the AGM by coming in person or tuning in online. 

To all the candidates: We are lucky to have passionate volunteers, who so clearly care about the youth in our community. Thank you for stepping forward and putting your names in the ring for these positions.

The 62 ballots were tallied and the results are in: Join us in Congratulating Dan MacDonald (VP Recreation) and Jenn Forster (VP Administration) to the SMHA Executive.

AGM Page

Jun 26, 2023