
League News


SMHA's Social Media Policy

Flyers Fans & Families:

As we ramp up our season, we wanted to remind the SMHA Community that we all play our part in maintaining a Positive and Respectful environment, both at our local rinks, on the road, and online.

In the age of Emojis, Hashtags, Memes, and Likes, it's easy to forget sometimes that the digital realm should reflect the same Flyers values and sportsmanship we try to teach our players at the rink.

Please take a moment to review the SMHA Social Media Policy, found on the Bylaws and Policies page of our website.

Remember, our digital presence mirrors our commitment to teamwork, respect, and fun. Let's keep our online discussions as cool as the ice at the Arena and the Stadium!

Thank you!

Oct 24, 2023

Coach Reimbursements

Good afternoon,


Friendly reminder that you must use the following form to receive any reimbursement for coaching courses:



Thank you,

Craig Foley

VP Risk Management 


Oct 23, 2023

U13 Rec Final Rosters

Good evening U13 families ,

We are happy to share the final placements of U13 recreational players for the 2023/2024 season.

The coaches from each team will be in touch with parents in the next few days.

See below for Sunday ice time. 

Sunday, October 22nd at ECV from 10:30am to 12:00pm - shared ice: SHARKS & LEAFS.

Sunday, October 22nd at Arena from 2:00pm to 3:00pm - solo team practice ice: CANADIENS.  

Sunday, October 22nd at Arena from 3:00pm to 4:00pm - solo team practice ice: BRUINS.


Oct 19, 2023

Attention Team Managers: 2023 Manager's Meeting - Wed. Oct 25th

Good morning,

There will be a Manager's Meeting on the evening of Wed. Oct 25th. This is intended for all managers, and especially those new to the role.

Exact information will be shared shortly - we are considering starting off with some basics and having returning managers join near the end for anything new (but all managers and head coaches are more than welcome the whole time). Full details to follow.

We are hosting a Wednesday virtual Drop-In/Office Hours as well for Team Managers. 

Oct 18, 2023

U11 Rec Final Rosters

Hello U11 families ,

We are happy to share the final placements of U11 recreational players for the 2023/2024 season.

The coaches from each team will be in touch with parents in the next few days.

To the goalie parents: Wednesday evening at ECV @ 5:30 is Goalie Development - This starts tonight.

Please see below for this weekends schedule

Saturday Oct 21, 2023 Arena:

8:00am - Sharks

9:00am -Bruins

10:00am - Canadians

11:00- Leafs

Sunday Oct 22, 2023 ECV:

7:30am-9:00am - Canadians/Leafs

9:00am-10:30am -Bruins/Sharks



Oct 18, 2023

Attention all Rec families

 What to expect for the weekend and coming week

Oct 13, 2023