
League News


SMHA Updates: Volunteer Needed - U13 Competitive Division Coordinator


Please see below for the following updates:

  • Volunteer Needed: U13 Competitive Division Coordinator
  • SMHA Events Calendar
  • Make sure to review the last News Article from July 25, 2022. It contains vital information about the upcoming season, such as:
    • Registration Dates
      • Deadline for Pre-Season Camps & Clinics: 3 Weeks (Aug 27th) 
      • Deadline for Regular Season: 4 weeks (Sept 9th)
    • U13 AAA and U15 AA Tryouts: Starting September 15th 
    • Coaching Applications


Volunteer Needed: U13 Competitive Division Coordinator

SMHA Board of Directors has an opening for the Division Coordinator for U13 Competitive. 

Division Coordinators are appointed annually by the SMHA Executive. They sit on the Coaching Selection Committee, and attend the Tryout Sessions for their respective division. The new Division Coordinator for U13 Competitive will be assigned an @FlyersHockey.ca email address, and will be responsible for monitoring and responding to emails. Being comfortable with technology and Google Workspace is a definite asset. 

Division Coordinators act as a liaison between the following stakeholders:

  • SMHA Families
  • Team Management (Coaches & Managers)
  • SMHA Executive 
  • Director of MMHL or CMHL administrators

If you are interested in this role, please reach out to Melissa Berkvens at Secretary@FlyersHockey.ca to put your name forward. Please let us know in a few sentences what experiences you'd bring to the position and why you want to help out.


SMHA Events Calendar

Please familiarize yourself with the SMHA Events Calendar.

It is accessible on www.FlyersHockey.ca, then under the "About SMHA" menu select "Events Calendar".

As you prepare for the upcoming season, keep in mind that SMHA is hosting a Gear & Stick Buy-Sell-Trade event at Springfield Lake Rec Centre on Friday, Sept 9, 2022 from 7-9pm.


Registration is Open


U13 AAA and U15 AA Tryouts

Attn: U13 and U15 Families

There has been a change initiated by Hockey Nova Scotia (as per this news release) regarding the Competitive Tryouts for U13 AAA and U15 AA teams this season.

  • If your player is not interested in trying out for U13 AAA or U15 AA level, he or she will proceed as originally announced. These players should select the $875 fee level, for Registration + Competitive Tryouts, valid for U13 AAU13 A, & U13 B or U15 A & U15 B. This process is unchanged, and will start at the beginning of October 2022.

  • If your player is interested in trying out specifically for the U13 AAA or U15 AA levels, he or she should select the $1,000 fee level, for Registration + Competitive Tryouts + U13 AAA or U15 AA Competitive Tryouts. The tryouts for these two specific teams will start on September 15th.
    • It is an additional 5hrs of ice time. The $125 cost is build into the $1000 fee. There are no refunds of the U13 AAA or U15 AA tryout fee.
    • Players who try out for the U13 AAA and U15 AA teams and who are released, will continue with the SMHA Tryouts in October. 
    • The players placed on the U13 AAA and U15 AA teams do not participate competitive tryout process in early October... Therefore, the standard competitive tryout fee of $125 - which was built into registration - will be credited toward the individual player's U13 AAA or U15 AA Team Fees for 2022-2023. 
Who to Contact about:

Coaching Applications

Are you interested in volunteering your time as a Coach? We'd love to hear from you!

Please Click Here to complete the Coach Application Google Form, or fill it in below.




Aug 6, 2022