
League News


Hockey Nova Scotia Update: Statement from Hockey NS Board of Directors


Hello Flyers Families & Fans,

We are sharing today's News Release from the Hockey Nova Scotia Board of Directors. Below you'll see an email circuated to all Nova Scotia Minor Hockey Associations, followed by the Media Release that is posted online.


Good evening everyone,


Earlier today the Hockey Nova Scotia board of directors held an emergency meeting to discuss the ongoing situation at Hockey Canada. The board has been following that situation closely over the last several months and has expressed concerns to Hockey Canada during that time.


Following today’s meeting, the following statement was released. Please see below.


We would like to thank those of you who have reached out with feedback in recent days during what continues to be a challenging period of time for the sport.


Please note today’s decision does not affect your insurance coverage or the ability for your teams to participate in Hockey Nova Scotia-sanctioned events. We will be following up in the coming days to provide more information on this ongoing situation.


Thank you to all of you for your hard work and dedication to the sport.


Yours in Hockey,


Arnie Farrell


Hockey Nova Scotia


Amy Walsh

Executive Director

Hockey Nova Scotia



A Statement from Hockey Nova Scotia

Members of the Hockey Nova Scotia board of directors have been closely monitoring the actions of Hockey Canada in recent months and have expressed concerns to the national governing body during this period of time.

In their latest step, Hockey Nova Scotia’s board of directors met today for an emergency meeting.

Following that meeting, the board issued the following statement:

Hockey Nova Scotia has lost confidence in Hockey Canada’s senior leadership.

Hockey families and non-hockey families alike agree: Change is needed at the highest levels of the game.

Therefore, Hockey Nova Scotia is formally suspending the transfer of participant assessment fees to Hockey Canada for the 2022-23 season.

Until our values at Hockey Nova Scotia are reflected by Hockey Canada’s senior leadership, we simply cannot support hockey’s national governing body.

Hockey Nova Scotia remains committed to working with our dedicated network of volunteers across the province to offer the best programs possible for our membership.



Oct 6, 2022