
League News


Hockey Nova Scotia Update *COVID Close Contact Update*


Please see the following information regarding " close contacts" as per Hockey Nova Scotia. 

Thank- you again for your continued support to keep our members safe.

Please visit this linkHNS Close Contact Guidelines - Feb- 17 2022 


You should get tested 72 hours (3 days) after your last exposure, monitor for symptoms and follow the modified isolation advice below.

  • If you take a PCR or rapid testYou may stop modified isolation if the 72 hour PCR test or rapid test is negative AND you continue to not have any symptoms. 
  • If you are using rapid tests: You should complete a second rapid test 48 hours after the first one (day 5).

Until you get your first negative test result (PCR or rapid), you should:

  • Stay at home except to go to school, work or childcare (modified isolation).
  • Work from home as much as possible.
  • When at work, practice physical distancing including while eating or drinking.
  • Wear a properly fitted, three-layer cloth mask or medical mask outside your home, unless you are exempt. 
  • Follow public health measures including masking guidance in school and child-care settings.
  • Only do essential activities such as getting groceries or prescriptions if there is nobody else who can do it for them.
  • If symptoms develop, you must isolate fully and get tested.

If you do not complete testing, you are required to stay at home (except to go to school, work or childcare) for a full 7 days from your last exposure. 

If you test positive, you are considered a confirmed case of COVID-19. Please follow these instructions on what actions are needed as a case (i.e., how long to self-isolate and which contacts to notify).

Feb 18, 2022