
League News


All Competitive Team Rosters POV - Deadline Thursday October 7th

Following the guidelines from Public Health and Hockey NS, all players 12 and up are required to provide proof of vaccination.

All Competitive Team Rosters - including players and coaches - will be announced and posted on Friday, October 8th (exact time TBA). These players must provide Proof of Vaccine by Thursday October 7th in order to be placed on a team roster.

Sackville Minor Hockey will be maintaining a spreadsheet with the following information captured until roster selection is complete:

  • Player Name
  • 1st Dose: Y/N
  • 2nd Dose: Y/N

Proof of Vaccine can be provided in person at the Sackville Arena Mezzanine (elevator entrance, far right) Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday between 5 & 8pm.

Alternatively, you can provide proof of vaccine by emailing a copy of your child’s Proof of Vaccine record to POV@flyershockey.ca. Once the information has been received and captured, the email will be deleted. Sackville Minor Hockey will not be retaining a copy of the Proof of Vaccine record.

  • Children who turned 12 between January 1 and October 4, 2021 have until December 31, 2021 to attend while they get vaccinated. Children who turn 12 after October 4, 2021 have 3 months from their birthday to get vaccinated.
  • Youth who are 13 to 18 and have proof that they received 1 dose of COVID-19 vaccine can participate in sport, recreation, arts and culture programming hosted by a business or organization as of October 4. To continue participating, they must provide proof of full vaccination by November 9, 2021. In order to be fully vaccinated by November 9, a person needs to get a first dose no later than September 28 and a second dose no later than October 26.

If youth choose not to get vaccinated by the time these grace periods end, they will no longer be able to participate until they can provide proof of vaccination.

Hockey Nova Scotia COVID-19 Vaccination Policy.pdf (agilitycms.cloud)

Oct 5, 2021