League News
Flyers For Judah - Sunday to Support the Daley Family
Join us on Sunday, March 16th at the Sackville Arena as the Flyers come together to support the Daley Family. All proceeds from the event will go directly to the Daley Family to help with their needs while they focus on Judah’s battle with leukemia.
Location: Sackville Arena
Event Schedule:
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM – Cheer on two Flyers teams as they go head-to-head! U11AA Black vs U11AA Orange!!
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM – Our U13AAA Flyers kick off their best-of-3 provincial playoff series against Cape Breton West. Be sure to participate in the Chuck a Puck between the second and third periods!
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM - The Judah Emerald Cup Challenge!! Come out to cheer on your Sackville Flyers U11A and the Halifax Hawks U11A as they battle it out in support of Judah!
If you would like to contribute to the Bake Sale, please drop off baked goods Sunday morning March 16th, before 11:00 AM.
Fundraiser Details:
Chuck a Puck – $5 per puck. Winner takes home a $100.00 Canadian Tire gift card donated by our Kraft Hockeyville Committee
Grand in a Hand – $10 per square (200 squares)
Car Decals – Judah leukemia ribbon (4 inches) – $10 each
Bake Sale & 50/50 Sales throughout the event!
Cash appreciated.
Let’s fill the stands with orange and black, cheer on our Flyers, and show the Daley Family how our Flyers Community stands together for Judah during this challenging time.
We are looking for some volunteers to help organize some of the fundraising, if you are interested in helping, please email communications@flyershockey.ca