League News


Coaching Info Session Recap


SMHA had a great turnout last night for the first Coach Meeting at the Sackville Arena.

Coach Meeting Sept 2023 - Powerpoint Presentation

Thank you to our in-house presenters including Craig Foley (VP Risk Management), Morgan Spicer (U11 Division Coordinator), Rod Sturge (Vice President), Matt Brown (VP U5 & U7), and especially to our Guest Speakers including Brad Taylor, the Technical Director of Hockey Nova Scotia and Jason Hale, our Halifax East Zone Regional Director with Hockey Nova Scotia.


We'd like in particular to draw your attention to two things:

  • Helping Kids with ADHD Thrive in Sports - Check out this article shared during Morgan Spicer's Neurodiversity and Coaching presentation, which was also reiterated by Brad Taylor.
  • Coaches & Volunteers - If you're planning on joining a team roster this year, please review the Coaching Certification info linked in the powerpoint and also on our Coaching & Volunteer Certifications page. 
    • Certification Deadline: Dec 1, 2023
    • Countdown: 81 Days! Don't delay on this - we don't want to have to remove anyone from a bench!



Sep 11, 2023