League News


Call for Volunteers: Constitution Updates, Director: CMHF, Ice Scheduler, Divisional Coordinators

The following Google Form is a call for self-nomination for a number of support positions with SMHA for the remainder of the 2021-2022 season. Some positions are ad-hoc (i.e. the Constitution Standing Committee), some are 2 year terms (Director CMHF and Ice Scheduler), and some are on an annual basis (Divisional Coordinators).

Please read on to find out more. Questions can be directed to Melissa Berkvens (Secretary@FlyersHockey.ca) or Rod Sturge (VicePresident@FlyersHockey.ca).

Stay safe, and thank you for considering.

If you are having trouble with the form below, you can open it in a new window by clicking here.

Jan 11, 2022