League News


Last Call: AGM Nominations, Platforms and New Business

Communication Update:

  • Last Call: AGM Nominations, Platforms and New BusinessIf you have submitted a nonimation and have not recieved confirmation, please contact operations@flyershockey.ca
  • Nonimation deadline this Friday
  • New Business deadline this Friday
  • Please submit nonimations platforms ASAP, all platforms will be published on our flyershockey.ca website

Orginal Communication:

Sackville Minor Hockey will be holding our virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM) Thursday November 4th, 2021, hosting platform and time details to follow.  Elections will be held at the Sackville Arena Mezzanine Friday November 5th, details to follow.

There are six positions up for election, if you would like to put your name forward please send an email to operations@flyershockey.ca and president@flyershockey.ca by 11:59pm Friday October 22nd, 2021.

If you would like to be added to the New Business section of the agenda please submit name and topic to operations@flyershockey.ca and president@flyershockey.ca by 11:59pm Friday October 22nd, 2021.

SMH AGM 2020/2021 Agenda

(1) Call to Order

(2) Opening Remarks - Interim President Rob Blackwood

(3) Introduction of Executive and Board of Directors

(4) 2020/2021 Financials - Treasurer Nathalie Amirault 

(5) New Business

(6) Election of New Executive Positions (2 year term)

o    Secretary

o    Vice President

o    VP Competitive

o    VP U9 Program (Novice)

o    VP L2P & U7 Program (Initiation)

o    Treasurer

(7) Adjournment

Oct 20, 2021