League News


Two Updates: Volunteers Needed for Recreation Evaluations | Coaching Certifications

Two Important Updates:

  1. Volunteers Needed: Recreation Evaluations
  2. Coaching Certifications

Volunteers Needed: Recreation Evaluations

We are looking for both On Ice and Off Ice helpers for the Recreation Evaluations this weekend, Saturday October 9 and Sunday October 10.

If you have already been in touch with Todd House (VP Recreation) or Danielle Naas MacDonald (SMHA Safety Coordinator) then you are already on the list and we will see you this weekend.

There is a Google Form at the bottom of this News Article and also at the bottom of the Recreation Evaluation Page. Please fill in the Google Form if you're able to volunteer.

Remaining spots to be filled are as follows:


  • 1 person for U11 Session 1 - 7am, 8am, 9am on Saturday
  • 2 people for U11 Session 2 - 4pm, 5pm, 6pm on Saturday
  • 2 people for U15 Session 1 - 1pm, 2pm, 3pm on Saturday
  • 1 person for U15 Session 2 - 10am, 11am, 12pm on Sunday
  • 1 person for U18 Session 1 - 10am, 11am on Saturday 


  • 2 people for U13 Session 3 - 1pm, 2pm, 3pm on Sunday 

Coaching Certifications

The following message is from Craig Foley, SMHA Risk Management. Any questions about Coaching Certifications can be directed to him at RiskManagement@FlyersHockey.ca.


Hello everyone,

As we all know the season will soon be underway. If you plan on volunteering as a coach , manager, team covid rep, or any volunteer position within the association, please take the time to ensure your qualifications are up to date.  A detailed guide and links to be used can be found on the Coaching & Volunteer Certifications page on www.FlyersHockey.ca.  

Also, please ensure your personal Hockey Canada profile is linked to your HCR account. This is done the same way your child’s profile was linked.
Look under the qualifications tab in your Profile to check the status of your required training, courses, and background checks.  
If you are transferring from another association, please ensure your HCR account has been updated to reflect that you are now with SMHA. Any questions on that reach out to me by email.
If you have questions after reviewing the site, feel free to contact me anytime!
Thank you,

Craig Foley
SMHA Risk Management


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Oct 8, 2021