League News


Annual General Meeting (AGM) - 5:00pm on Sunday, June 25th

The Sackville Minor Hockey Association (SMHA) will be holding the Annual General Meeting (AGM) at 5:00pm on Sunday, June 25, 2023, with Executive Elections being held immediately after.

Tentative Agenda for the 2023 SMHA AGM

  1. Call To Order
  2. Opening Remarks - President Nathalie Amirault
  3. Introduction of Executive and Board of Directors
  4. 2022-2023 Financial Review
  5. New Business
  6. Nominee Presentations for Executive Elections (2-Year Term)
    1. President
    2. Vice President Administration
    3. Vice President Development
    4. Vice President of Recreation
    5. Treasurer
  7. Adjournment

To request a New Business item for the AGM Agenda, please send an email to Melissa Berkvens (Secretary@FlyersHockey.ca) by 11:59pm on Friday, June 9, 2023.


Nominations for SMHA Executive Positions 

As noted above, there are five positions up for election immediately following this year's AGM. The positions are as follows:

  1. President
  2. Vice President Administration
  3. Vice President Development
  4. Vice President of Recreation
  5. Treasurer

Details of the above positions and eligibility requirements can be found in our By-Laws.

To offer for an Executive Position, please send a self-nomination to Melissa Berkvens (Secretary@FlyersHockey.ca) by 11:59pm on Friday, June 9, 2023. All nominations will be reviewed to ensure the eligibility criteria is met.


AGM Details

Date: Sunday, June 25, 2023
AGM: 5:00pm - 6:30pm (Both in-person an via YouTube Stream, links to follow)
Voting for SMHA Executive Positions: 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Location: Mezzanine, Sackville Arena, 91 First Lake Dr.


  • 4:30pm - 5:00pm - Voter Pre-Registration for those attending the AGM in person
  • 5:00pm - 6:30pm - 2022-2023 Annual General Meeting
    • The AGM will be in-person at the Sackville Arena Mezzanine and also streamed/recorded via YouTube.
  • 6:30pm - 8:00pm - SMHA Executive Election 
    • Please note that voting in the SMHA Executive Election must be done in person.
    • Anyone lined up to register to vote by 8pm will have their ballots counted
    • As per the By-Laws, there is a maximum of one ballot per person, regardless of how many ballots the person is eligible for based on the below criteria. 
      • Each 2022-2023 SMHA Household can register for one ballot for their family.
      • Each 2022-2023 SMHA Coaching Staff Member can register for one ballot (one per person, regardless of how many teams coached).
      • Each 2022-2023 SMHA Executive Member or Director can register for one ballot (one per person, regardless of coaching commitments, etc)
  • 8:00pm - 9:00pm - Vote Count - More details to follow.
May 13, 2023

SMHA Open Meeting - By-Laws Presentation & Vote

As per the Societies Act of Nova Scotia, the SMHA Board of Directors is notifying the SMHA Membership of an open meeting from 7:00pm - 9:00pm on Thursday, May 11, 2023. (Google Calendar Link)
The SMHA By-Laws have been revisited during the 2022-2023 Season by the SMHA By-Law Committee. 
The purpose of the meeting is to vote on proposed updates to the SMHA By-Laws (Linked Here).
The updates were prepared in line with several other Hockey and Sport Associations by-laws as guidance. The proposal will be reviewed generally at this meeting, and SMHA Board of Directors welcomes questions and discussion from the SMHA Membership.
  • Who: SMHA Members
  • What: Open Meeting to review proposed updates to the SMHA By-Laws
  • When: 7:00pm - 9:00pm, Thursday May 11, 2023
  • Where: Mezzanine @ Sackville Arena, 91 First Lake Dr., Lower Sackville, NS   B4C 2S8
  • Why are we having this meeting?
    • To seek input from and communicate with the SMHA Membership at large
    • To comply with By-Law regulations under the Societies Act of Nova Scotia
  • What can I expect at the meeting?
    • SMHA Board of Directors will present the By-Laws, and will welcome questions and discussion
    • There will be a Vote among those present to either accept or reject the proposed SMHA By-laws at the end of the meeting
Questions or Comments?
Apr 20, 2023

Nominations for Major Awards

The SMHA Awards Committee is seeking nominations for three of the four SMHA Major Awards:
  • The James Sheppard Flyer-of-the-Year Award
    A Player who exemplifies strong leadership skills, high academic achievement, and outstanding athletic ability.

  • The Bernie Bishop Coach-of-the-Year Award
    This prestigious award was introduced in 2011 and is open to all Coaches of Sackville Minor Hockey who have coached for a minimum of five years.

  • The Kim Gray Volunteer of the Year Award
    The Kim Gray Volunteer of the Year Award is open for nominations for any behind-the-scenes exemplary volunteer that is making a difference in our association.

Please CLICK HERE to nominate a deserving player, coach, and volunteer.
Deadline: Tuesday, April 4, 2023


Questions or Comments?
Please contact Helen Scammell at Registration@FlyersHockey.ca.

We look forward to celebrating with you! Go Flyers!?
Mar 29, 2023

Checking Clinic - March 27th @ Arena

Don't forget to sign up for our checking clinic!

Mar 21, 2023

March Meltdown Results 2023

It was a great atmosphere around the arena and lots of kids out cheering on their friends and having fun!

Mar 13, 2023

Flyers Memorial Tournament - Mar 17-19th, 2023

Sackville Minor Hockey is proud to announce the first annual "Flyers Memorial Hockey Tournament"

Feb 17, 2023