
League News


Nominations for Major Awards

The SMHA Awards Committee is seeking nominations for three of the four SMHA Major Awards:
  • The James Sheppard Flyer-of-the-Year Award
    A Player who exemplifies strong leadership skills, high academic achievement, and outstanding athletic ability.

  • The Bernie Bishop Coach-of-the-Year Award
    This prestigious award was introduced in 2011 and is open to all Coaches of Sackville Minor Hockey who have coached for a minimum of five years.

  • The Kim Gray Volunteer of the Year Award
    The Kim Gray Volunteer of the Year Award is open for nominations for any behind-the-scenes exemplary volunteer that is making a difference in our association.

Please CLICK HERE to nominate a deserving player, coach, and volunteer.
Deadline: Tuesday, April 4, 2023


Questions or Comments?
Please contact Helen Scammell at Registration@FlyersHockey.ca.

We look forward to celebrating with you! Go Flyers!?
Mar 29, 2023