
League News


Coaching & Volunteer Certifications Deadline is TODAY & RIS: Activity Leader Code

  1. Coaching & Volunteer Certifications Deadline
  2. Respect in Sport: Activity Leader Codes

Coaching & Volunteer Certifications Deadline

The Coaching & Volunteer Certifications deadline is today - December 1st, 2022.

As per Craig Foley (RiskManagement@FlyersHockey.ca):

  • Coaches and Volunteers with completed Certifications reflected in HCR can continue to participate.
  • Coaches and Volunteers without completed Certifications reflected in HCR, can no longer participate until their certifications are complete.
  • Hockey Nova Scotia will be reviewing each team's roster in the coming day or two, and marking any Coach and Volunteer profile as "ineligible" if that profile is missing Certifications or documentation.

(Note to Managers: Let's do a drop-in virtual Google Meet tonight for roster check ups for those that want help. Link will be sent around by email & posted in the Managers Facebook group. It has been a challenge to keep up with the email requests and I know I've missed people. If you can't pop in virtually tonight, reply to a prior email you sent so it'll bump up to the top of my inbox. We'll be through this roster phase very soon! - Helen)


Respect in Sport - Activity Leader Codes

We recently posted about a last-minute surge in signups for the "Respect in Sport - Activity Leader" course. The existing code has been loaded up with new licenses so people waiting for this course can now proceed as normal.

Thank you

Dec 1, 2022