
League News


Drop-In Info Session: New & Potential Team Managers [Virtual]


Are you a New Team Manager?
Are you interested in being a Team Manager, and you're are a bit curious about what it is all about?


Please join our casual/virtual drop-in session all about managing a team! There's no set agenda; we can follow the lead from the folks who join. We can cover the types of things managers do, some tips to getting started, where to find resources, etc.


This is entirely optional. We have (understandably) started to see more questions from the newer Managers who are getting started with U9 teams, and we are here to help. Based on some feedback last year, we don't want anyone to go into the main Team Manager Meeting and end up feeling unsupported & overwhelmed. 


You can join via Google Meet or by Telephone:


**There will be a Team Manager Meeting announced soon, shortly after Recreation Teams are finalized.**


If there is demand, we can easily repeat a similar Drop-In later this week or next before the Team Manager Meeting. Just reach out to Secretary@FlyersHockey.ca or Registration@FlyersHockey.ca.


Thank you!

Oct 10, 2023