
Constitution, By-Laws, and Policies


SMHA By-Laws

The current SMHA By-Laws were accepted as presented at an open SMHA By-Law Meeting on May 11, 2023 with changes approved by the membership at the AGM on June 9, 2024.

Thank you to Jennifer Forster for taking the lead on the important and time-consuming endeavour of these updates. 

Archive: SMHA By-Laws (2012 to May 2023) 

Comments or concerns brought forward to Secretary@FlyersHockey.ca will be presented to the SMHA Board for discussion and review.

Other Policies

The policies below ensure ensure the environment in which minor hockey activities take place is as positive as possible for all participants. It indicates the expected behaviour of the four main participant groups; the coaches, the officials, the parents/spectators, and the players.  Everything you do says something about you.  SMHA asks you to consider your role in showing “Respect” for the game, and the people involved in making this the great game it is.

Disciplinary Policy

When a disciplinary issue arises, all attempts will be made to come to a quick and fair resolution. Each issue is addressed within the Division first, starting with the coach. If the issue is not resolved within the Division, it is referred to the Disciplinary Committee for review.

The SMHA Disciplinary Policy for further details on the resolution process, suspension guidelines and appeals.

Grievance Process

The SMHA Grievance Process is established to address the concerns of the members of the Association or any player who may be represented by any member of the Association. There are three (3) types of issues covered under this process:

  • Team related issues
  • Division or Association related issues
  • Issues brought forward by people outside of the Association.