League News


Updates: Competitive Tryout Policy, Reminders (Registration and Coaching), and more


This news item covers the following points:

  • SMHA Competitive Tryout Policy
  • Registration Deadlines
  • Coach Applications & Other Volunteer Opportunities
  • Communication re: Clinics, Pre-Season Camps & Tryouts

SMHA Competitive Tryout Policy

Work has been underway behind the scenes for several months to develop the a SMHA Competitive Tryout Policy. It can be found under the new "Clinics, Camps, and Tryouts" menu on www.FlyersHockey.ca, as well on our Bylaws Page.

A huge thank you to our VP Competitive Aaron Hiscock, the SMHA Board of Directors, and the Division Coordinators for taking the time to fine tune this policy document.

Questions or Concerns:

Registration Deadlines

  • Deadline is tomorrow - Friday, August 26th - at 11:59pm for SMHA Pre-Season Camps & Clinics
  • Deadline is in two weeks - Friday, September 9th - at 11:59pm for SMHA Regular Season Registration.
  • Click Here for Online Registration

Attention: Families with Players Trying Out for U13 AAA and U15 AA:
SMHA secured some additional ice time to accomodate an early Pre-Season Camp for most players who were already registered for the following:

  • U13 AAA Tryouts AND U13 Pre-Season Camp
    • There are still a handful of spaces left in an Early U13 Pre-Season Camp, which is only for those players signed up for U13 AAA Tryouts.
    • The remaining spaces will be confirmed in order of the player's U13 Pre-Season Camp registration timestamp.
    • Players already confirmed in both U13 AAA Tryouts and the Early U13 Pre-Season Camp are posted Here, under the new Clinics, Camps, & Tryouts heading on our website. 

  • U15AA Tryouts AND U15 Pre-Season Camp
    • An Early U15 Pre-Season Camp - only for those players signed up for both U15AA Tryouts AND U15 Pre-Season Camp - is already FULL as of August 23rd.
    • Players registered for both U15AA AND U15 Pre-Season Camp who are not on this list are considered to be on a wait list for the Early U15 Pre-Season Camp.
    • If space becomes available, families will be contacted based on their player's U15 Pre-Season Camp registration timestamp.
    • Players in both U15 AA Tryouts and the Early U15 Pre-Season Camp are posted Here, under the new Clinics, Camps, & Tryouts heading on our website.

Questions can be directed to Helen Scammell at Registration@FlyersHockey.ca.

Coach Applications & Other Volunteer Opportunities

Reminder: Coach Application Deadline is tomorrow - Friday, August 26th - at 11:59pm

All potential Coaches must apply by tomorrow evening in order to be consiered for a coaching position this year. Folks will be contacted from this list to help with pre-season camps and evaluations/tryouts. By signing up, you are not committing to anything, but are demonstrating your interest.

We are still seeking self-nominations for other Volunteer Opportunities as well:

  • Hockey Pool Administratior
  • Metro Minor Hockey League Representative
  • Tournament Committee Members

Check in with Melissa Berkvens (Secretary@FlyersHockey.ca) for more info or to put your name forward.

Communication: Clinics, Camps & Tryouts

To simplify communication and keep relevant messages in one place, VP's and Division Coordinators will provide updates in the coming days to be posted under the new Clinics, Camps, & Tryouts menu on our website.

There, you will already find the SMHA Tryout Policy as mentioned above, and pages already started for the U13 and U15 Divisions.

Once the Pre-season Registration closes tomorrow evening, more information will start to be released about groups and schedules.  


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Aug 25, 2022