
League News


Seeking Expression of Interest for Director Positions, Ombudsmen and Division Coordinators

With our 2024-2025 SMHA Executive now in place, we are putting a call out for interest in our SMHA Board of Director positions. The Board oversees the day-to-day operations of the Association. It consists of the Executive plus the named Director positions listed below. The Director positions are one-year appointments, and are made or renewed every season. Selections are based on interviews and a vote among the SMHA Executive. It is in the spirit of the most recent By-Laws to post all Director positions, and welcome expressions of interest from both new and returning Board of Director candidates.  

Directors must be in good standing with SMHA, and must have one year of volunteer experience with either SMHA or another Minor Hockey association. Please see our updated bylaws (Article VII- 42 M-V ) for descriptions of each position.

Please email Melissa Berkvens at secretary@flyershockey.ca to express your interest in any of the positions listed below. Please include a short message confirming that you meet the requirements, and why you think you would be suitable for the role.

Submission Deadline: 11:50pm, Friday, July 5th, 2024.  We hope to hold interviews in the evening of July 7 (subject to change); however, a virtual option will be available.

  • Director of Policy 
  • Director of Finance (Preferably has a professional accounting certification)
  • Director of Registration
  • Director of Equipment
  • Director of Communication
  • Referee-in-Chief 
  • Central Minor Hockey League (CMHL) Delegate
  • Metro Minor Hockey League (MMHL) Delegate
  • Director of Tournaments
  • Safety Coordinator
  • Ice Scheduler (new position for the 2024-2025 season)

In addition, we are seeking Expressions of Interest for 2024-2025 Division Coordinators and an Ombudsmen (new role for the 2024-2025 season).

The Division Coordinators support communications between the Executive, Coaching/Bench staff, and SMHA Players/Families. The Division Coordinators report to their respective Vice President (VP Competitive, VP Recreation,  VP U9, or VP U7) and assist in all operational functions related to their division, fostering a positive hockey experience for all SMHA players and families.

The Ombudsmen will be appointed for a three year term by the Executive within thirty (30) days of an Annual General Meeting. The Ombudsman shall be an independent and objective party whose primary role shall be to receive disciplinary complaints from members of the association pertaining to other members, coaches, players, volunteers or members of the Board of Directors. The Ombudsman will be responsible for chairing the Disciplinary Committee, coordinating discipline meetings, issue suspensions and liaising with Hockey Nova Scotia on discipline matters.

As with the Board of Director positions, please email Melissa Berkvens at secretary@flyershockey.ca to express your interest. Please include a short message confirming that you meet the requirements, what level you are willing to help with and why you think you would be suitable for the role.

Submission Deadline: 11:50pm, Friday, July 5th, 2024

  • U5/U7 Division Coordinator
  • U9 Division Coordinator
  • U11 Recreation Division Coordinator
  • U11 Competitive Division Coordinator
  • U13 Recreation Division Coordinator
  • U13 Competitive Division Coordinator
  • U15 Recreation Division Coordinator
  • U15 Competitive Division Coordinator
  • U18 Recreation Division Coordinator
  • U18 Competitive Division Coordinator
  • Ombudsmen


Jun 20, 2024