
League News


Seeking Nominations for SMHA Executive


The 2024 Sackville Minor Hockey Association AGM will take place on June 9, 2024.


The following Executive positions are open for nominations:


  • Secretary 
  • VP Operations
  • VP Competitive
  • VP Risk Management
  • VP U9
  • VP L2P / U7


Please review the current SMHA By Laws for position descriptions.

Please submit your nomination to the Nomination Committee c/o Melissa Berkvens (Secretary@FlyersHockey.ca) by 12 midnight on May 18th.


Any member in good standing may nominate themselves or another member as a candidate for an Executive Officer position by providing the Nominating Committee with the following:


a. letter that includes the name of the member nominated and the Director position for which the member is being nominated; and


b. signed statement by the nominee affirming that he or she is a member eligible as a candidate for the Executive Officer position for which he or she is being nominated and that he or she is willing to accept the position if elected.

May 1, 2024